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Group Members

David Omer

David Omer

Principal Investigator

David Omer is a neuroscientist specializing in the study of neural circuits that underlie high cognitive functions, earning his Ph.D. under Professor Amiram Grinvald at the Weizmann Institute of Science. He completed postdoctoral fellowships with Professor Nikos Logothetis at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics and with Professor Nachum Ulanovsky at the Weizmann Institute. In 2019, David joined the Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences as a faculty member.

Guy Oren

Guy Oren

Graduate student

Guy, a Neuroscience graduate student at the Omer Lab, earned his undergraduate degree in Psychobiology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. There, he developed an interest in neuroscience while studying neuron cultures and Huntington's disease as a research assistant in the Meshorer Lab. He also interned in psychoneuroimmunology at the Yirmiya Lab, exploring neural correlates of behavior. His passion for hippocampal research led him to the Omer Lab, where he now investigates hippocampal coding of space and abstract concepts during natural behavior.

Hadar Frey

Hadar Frey

Undergraduate student

Computer Science

Roni Cohen

Roni Cohen

Lab Manager & MSc. Student

Roni is the lab manager of the Omer Lab. She earned her BSc in Biology and Cognition from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Fascinated by the neural mechanisms underlying natural behaviors, she continued her studies in neuroscience and is currently pursuing a master’s degree, focusing on developing an in-vivo localization method for tetrodes using MRI-CT fusion.

Eitan Yisraeli

Eitan Yisraeli

Graduate student

I completed my undergraduate degree in Biology at the Hebrew University. Soon after, I developed a strong interest in Neurobiology, particularly in Behavioral Neuroscience. During my masters, I investigated how individuals from different social groups (self, cage mates, strangers) are represented in the brain. To further advance in this field, I joined the Omer Lab at the Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC) for my doctorate, where I am currently studying how territoriality is represented in the hippocampus.

Nitsan Lichtman

Nitsan Lichtman

Undergraduate student

Cognition & Computer Sciecene

Reuven Lifshitz

Reuven Lifshitz

Graduate student

Computational Neuroscience

Talia Sternberg

Talia Sternberg

M.Sc. student

Computer Science

Alexander Nitkin

Alexander Nitkin

Undergraduate student

Cognition & Computer Science


Ehud Vinpinsky                   Current position: Postdoc @CNRS, Paris, France. 

Roni Stein                               Current position:  Product analyst @Tymely

Jonathan Navott                Current position: Graduate student in computer science @Oxford University, UK.

Einat Sarig                              Current position: Software engineer @Microsoft

Aner Shapira                         Current position: Medical student @Tel-Aviv University, Israel.   

Edmond & Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences

Neural Mechanisms of Cognitive Processes



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